Novéa Energies develops its corporate strategy in accordance with its QSE policy (Quality, Safety, Environment). The double ISO 9001 and 14001 certification is the result of the company’s lasting commitment to employees and customers satisfaction and environmental protection. Convinced of its approach, Novéa Energies now offers its employees CSR workshops, so that everyone becomes a player in sustainable development. The CSR workshops take place in teams. The first workshop was led by the company's QSE manager, Marie, on the topic of Eco SI. The goal was to pass on to employees the good habits to adopt in their communications and their daily use of new technologies. When we know that digital technology now emits 4% of global greenhouse gases, more than civil air transport1, we understand the urgency of the question! It is in this context that the "GreenIT"2 approach was born, by responsible digital professionals. 3 main objectives stand out: Become aware of the environmental impact The Age of the Anthropocene is a new geological epoch characterised by the advent of humans as the main force for change on Earth, surpassing geophysical forces. It begins in 1784, when James Watt patented the steam engine. The term was created by the Nobel laureate for chemistry Paul Crutzen in 2000. But this era rhymes with the various productions, heavy energy consumption, and the proliferation of telecommunications, which weigh heavily on the environment3. Extend the service life of equipment: aim for sobriety and longevity There are no less than 100 electronic or electrical devices per French household on average4! With nearly 800kg of raw materials mobilized for a single computer (of 2kg) 5, we can understand the impact that our overconsumption of devices can have on the environment, and the real change we can have by limiting the number of devices and prolonging their service life as much as possible. Adopt a reasoned use of digital technology: master date use and storage Change therefore goes through the use of objects, but also that of data. Indeed, if the internet were a country, it would be the 3rd largest energy consumer in the world after the United States and China6. Watching videos for example, an increasingly widespread habit, consumes a lot of data. Emails are also very energy intensive: with attachments, or with several recipients in copies, their consumption increases tenfold! Graph of Energy consumption in mAh per minute for application categories7 This is why, at the end of this workshop, Novéa Energies employees committed to better use of devices: switch the phone to airplane mode at night, donate used devices to collection points, limit the purchase of new devices… so many actions that will reduce the impact of IT on the environment. Employees also answered a quiz on the big numbers of IT impact and their score, coupled with everyone's commitments, made it possible to designate the white team as the winner ! This workshop is therefore the first in a series of discussions around CSR, and the impact of each on the environment. 1 - The Shift Project in a report on "The Unsustainable Use of Online Video". 2 - 3 - “Some graphs to gauge our situation and show the correlation between human activities and environmental impacts."- Source: INRS, circular economy in 2040 4 - 5 -'un,de%20son%20cycle%20de%20vie 6 – 7 -