It is at Voisins-le-Bretonneux precisely, that the agglomeration faced to the impossibility of lighting a little pathway with on-grid solutions. MULTI solar solution is, on the other hand, ideal to meet this kind of need. The city of Voisins-le-Bretonneux owns nice pathways, but at the time of installing the lighting to secure them, the agglomeration was confronted with a lighting problem for one of them. One of its pathways is too narrow, with a width of only 2 metres. To this first obstacle, is added another important restriction: a gas pipeline prevents a big construction work, inevitable with on-grid solutions. This is why Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines opted naturally for a solar solution to light, anyway, this piece of paths. NOVÉA proposed a solution that combines design and efficiency, by a mix of a MULTI with BAIA posts. This MULTI set is composed by a solar panel of 260Wc at the top of a 5.6m pole, and a battery of 1229Wh. It is completed by 6 design posts of 1m height, implanted every 16 metres to guarantee lighting all over the area. For the sake of reasoned utilisation of lighting and to propose an adapted product, a scenario was established with 2h of permanent lighting by night, and a standby at 10%, that go back up to 100% as users passing. With this in mind, infrared presence detection was installed on BAIA posts. This lighting scenario is ensured by a precise sizing, at the worst case of the year, of the solar panel and the battery. The power of the solar panel is defined to produce more energy than necessary to anticipate its ageing, then provide a sufficient energy amount for more than 25 years. As for the battery, it is sized to guarantee the lighting scenario during more than 7 nights, without solar supply. This system ensures a continuous service with the desired lighting level, all over the year. The path is daily secured, with a set that vanishes into the view and offers an optimal lighting comfort to the users. [video width="640" height="640" mp4=""][/video] Further information : Model MULTI Post : BAIA Solar Panel : 260Wc / 1.6m² Light height: 1 m Technology and battery capacity : ENDURANCE + TECHNOLOGY 1229Wh RAL 2900 Sable