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Our QSE Policy (02/01/2024)

Public lighting at the heart of the energy transition

Public light, a key sector in energy transition, is revealing new ways of using and understanding night-time light.


Lampadaire solaire Novéa Energies à Villeneuve-Loubet

Novéa, as a company manufacturing solar streetlights, is committed to technological innovation in the management and storage of solar energy to facilitate access to lighting in public places, while improving the cost of use and the environmental impact of the life cycle of its products.

The 4 pillars of our QSE policy

  • Working in accordance with the technical, environmental and societal requirements in effect, anticipating them and being transparent about our activities,
  • Enabling the rational use of light:  provinding lighting that respects all ecosystems and is adjusted to actual needs,
  • Sharing and defending our values: Creativity Passion and Respect with our employees and stakehoders, including future generations,
  • Giving meaning to our activity by contributing to the development of safety, the extension of social and micro-economic life, the possibility of studying at night for schoolchildren by bringing public lighting to places that were completely deprived of it, particularly in rural African areas,

To do so, we have chosen to adopt a continuous improvement approach that complies with the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards, which apply without exclusion to all our mapping processes and to all our sites for the design and production of solar streetlights.

For us, the ISO 50001 standard is an opportunity which, combined with to our relocation into new premises gives us the chance to measure and improve our energy consumption in order to add the energy efficiency to our environmental commitment.

Novéa Energies renews its ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications

Our commitment

I undertake to :

  • Protect the motivation and creativity of my team so that they can continue to be involved as they always have been.
  • Comply with legal requirements and standards in force, and be transparent about our activities.
  • Provide the means and resources to enable each process to :
    • Pilot action plans in PDCA mode and achieve their objectives
    • Manage emergency situations, fight against all pollution and reduce or eliminate the risk of accidents,
    • Interact with other processes to converge towards our common objectives, which are the satisfaction of our customers and those around us, and the protection of the environment.

For every process, we have decided to associate objectives linked with indicators listed in an overview to guide this strategy.



Rudy Belliard pdg novea energies

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